How Can RefLynk Automated Reference Checks Help with the Hiring Process?

One of the most difficult, time consuming, but important processes for any organization is the hiring process. Going over countless résumés and conducting all of the interviews seems daunting enough, but then thinking about performing reference checks might just totally overwhelm an organization. This could cause a few different things to happen. Some may just totally skip over the reference check step, while others may just do it half-heartedly. Although some may not see the true importance of reference checks, I’d like to point out a few reasons why they are vital for the hiring process.

I’m a huge fan of the show “House”. If you haven’t seen the show, the main character, Dr. House, is played by Hugh Laurie. He is known to solve health mysteries that no one else can figure out, while never trusting the patient. Throughout the series, he often states “Everybody lies”. Of course, he is an extremely pessimistic character and I don’t condone that way of thinking, but there is some truth behind his sentiment. We can’t always trust people, and that means we can’t always trust what they put on their résumé. This is where reference checks come into play.

Reference checks allow organizations to ask more personalized questions of their candidate. They can uncover truths that may not have been found in the résumé step of the hiring process. It’s unfortunate that we live in a world that we can’t always trust people, but because that is a reality, it is important for organizations to do their due diligence in checking their candidates as thoroughly as possible.

Luckily, RefLynk is available to those organizations that see the importance of conducting a reference check on a new hire. RefLynk is an automated reference checking system that is candidate driven. It does the hard part for you, so you can continue to focus on the other parts of the hiring process without having to play phone tag with references. Here’s how it works:

  • You can create custom made surveys for your references.

  • To initiate a reference check, the organization enters the candidate’s name, email, and phone number. 

  • The candidate is sent an email and a text message asking them to enter their references. They will need to enter their reference’s names, emails, and phone numbers.

  • The references are sent an email and a text message asking them to complete the survey.

  • Once all references respond, the organization will get the results.

The use of RefLynk not only saves you time, but it also ensures that your candidate has been properly vetted. If this sounds like something that interests you, please sign up a 1:1 demo of the system here. If you have any questions, please email us at and we would be happy to get those answered for you.