Who Should Be Checked

Top Five Reasons to Use RefLynk

Reference checking is a critical step in the hiring process for all companies. It is crucial to learn about a potential employee’s past, their work experience, and what other employers and co-workers thought about them. Reference checking can involve countless hours and manpower. Frustrating rounds of “phone tag” waste valuable time for your company. With RefLynk, these problems are solved. Our automated software is candidate-driven and involves SMS text messaging and emailing. Here are the top five reasons why a company should use RefLynk for their reference checking needs:


  1. SMS Text Messaging and Emails: RefLynk is candidate-driven. This means that the employer is not responsible for contacting the candidate’s references. Instead, the candidate supplies RefLynk with reference contact information, and the system sends  the reference survey to those candidates via email and or text message.

  2. Automatic Reminders: After the survey is sent, RefLynk will automatically remind the references everyday at noon (in the appropriate time zone) that there is a survey waiting for them to either complete or deny. If denied, the candidate is responsible for supplying a new reference. These automatic reminders ensure that a response will be made in a timely manner. Automation results in quicker turnaround times and less frustration for everyone.

  3. Customizable Surveys: When setting up RefLynk, you will be able to customize your survey questions . We are able to provide Likert Scale questions (Rating from 1-5) as well as free-form response questions. With these two options, you will be able to create whatever questions you prefer.

  4. FCRA Compliance: The FCRA (Fair Credit Reporting Act) applies to all types of consumer reports- criminal background checks, references, driving history, etc. If you use a third party (background screening firm) and pay them to conduct your background checks then you must follow the requirements of the FCRA. RefLynk is FCRA compliant.

  5. Aggregated Feedback: Feedback is aggregated and scored by reference relationship. These reports are easy to read and provide consistent feedback and comparison. They allow for the easy comprehension of data.  Reports are available both online or through an integration as html or PDF. With these quantifiable results, you will be able to easily view the provided answers.

If you would like to learn more, please join us for a free, 30 minute webinar showing you the RefLynk system, here!

Who Should Be Reference Checked?


Reference checking is the process of vetting an individual, group of individuals, or service to qualify for an opportunity.    That definition is extremely broad and raises many questions.  The simple interpretation is a belief that past experiences will predict future behavior. Learning about past experiences is nothing more than informal reference checking.  

Many of us reference check every day without even realizing that we are actually checking references. Here are a few nontraditional, informal situations in which you are reference checking:

  • Picking a Church

  • Picking a Travel/Club Sports organization for your child

  • Picking a Restaurant

  • Buying anything for the first time online from a retailer

  • Buying anything from Ebay

  • Using Uber

  • Picking a Contractor

I think you understand the point I’m making.  Let’s dig a bit deeper into each one of these nontraditional examples.

  • Picking a Church-  first thing that many will do is ask multiple members about church leadership, facilities etc…   Facebook

  • Picking a Restaurant- Yelp

  • Buying anything for the first time online from a retailer-   reading the reviews- ie. Amazon

  • Buying anything from Ebay-  Feedback rating

  • Using Uber-  Driver star rating

  • Picking a Contractor-  Home Advisor

Using the above nontraditional examples, you can see that reference checking plays is a huge component in our everyday lives.  In the same manner, giving references is vitally important in helping others make informed decisions.  We all use data, even if we do not realize it, but we all value as much data as we can process.  The nontraditional examples above are nothing more than ongoing reference checks put into a format that is easily accessible.  

The question of “Who Should Be Referenced Checked?”  perhaps should read “Who, If Anyone, Is Not Reference Checked?”

Learn more about RefLynk